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Melbourne Aquarium


Dec 16, 2002
Melbourne Aquarium (or whatever the damn place is actually called) is running a promotion of Summer at the aquarium. In the advertisment is a drawing of an octopus in a deckchair with sun glasses and a Hawaian shirt on. The Aquarium would not give me permission to show you the add here but they said I could discuss it with you - wasn't that big of them!

KRin :?
I thought the point of advertising was to tell everyone you possibly could! How funny of them. These octos are underdressed compared to the one you describe. How many sleeves does his shirt have?

:octopus: :tentacle: :tentacle:

Squid shirt

Melissa said:
I thought the point of advertising was to tell everyone you possibly could! How funny of them. These octos are underdressed compared to the one you describe. How many sleeves does his shirt have?


I have seen the add twice so far - both times on a moving tram - and it looked like two arms through the shirt sleeves and the others sitting down on the deckchair.

It would be so much easier if I could just show the add...KRin

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