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Interested Mom


Jul 11, 2005
Wow, hello everyone! I'm here b/c my son is about to enter a Marine Biology course and I wanted to find out a little more about what he's interested in! And of course, now I feel my interest is peaked as well! I love all this stuff I haven't really thought about since my high school science class (no offense intended! just been busy with kids and whatnot!). I'm excited to take a look around!

Mickey :rainbow:
Hi and welcome to TONMO.com! :welcome:

You came to the right place! We have loads of information and pics, articles and links, so you can find out all about cephalopods!

:welcome: From one mom to another!!! Isn't it great to see our kids take an interest in such a unique creature? My daughtor, who just turned 8 loves to go collecting food for our octopus! Infact I have pics to post!

Anyway, enjoy!!!


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