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I was wondering if anyone here is doing research on...

Aug 19, 2003
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Ocythoe tuberculata Sorry the banner wouldn't allow me more room.


Like I said above I was wondering if much research was being done on these guys. I first heard about them two years ago in the book Cephalopods a World Guide and have been interested since.

Michael :meso:
As far as we know, no systematics, life history or culture work is being undertaken on O. tuberculata at this time. A small amount has been done in the past in the way of post-mortem systematics and Steve has some sketches he's just dug out to coo over, but basically there's plenty left to do. It's also one of the only octopods to brood eggs within the ovary.
Here's a photo of one that turned up on the 2001 Discovery Giant Squid Expedition.

As far as we know, no systematics, life history or culture work is being undertaken on O. tuberculata at this time. A small amount has been done in the past in the way of post-mortem systematics and Steve has some sketches he's just dug out to coo over, but basically there's plenty left to do.

I suppose that’s good news perhaps I'll be able to research them once I'm out of my first four years.

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