Bibet said:
Thanks for you help guess it is just out of my budget right now. All though i would like to get one so if anyone sees a way please let me know
You can do it on a budget if you're willing to do it over a period of time, wait for deals and good used equipment to show up. Used equipment is OK if you can get proof of no-copper (ie, fill the tank half full of DI water, let it sit for a few days and do a copper-test).
I got my tank, stand and lights in a package deal for $300.
I paid quite a bit for all my sump paraphenalia, but here's some used equipment prices from a local fish shop last week:
Aqua-medic TF-1000 skimmer (+ new pump) = $5 (+35)
30 gallon tank for a sump = $10
1200 gph external pump (too big for me, didn't buy) = $15
I paid $150, $25, $85 respectively for the skimmer, sump and pump that I already had! Would have saved $200 if I had gotten used stuff to begin with.
Look at it this way: When it comes down to it, a nano will cost you $300 when you include your sand, gravel and everything else you need to get it running. Why not take that money, buy a 75 gallon tank, and sit on it for a month or two until you can afford to set up the plumbing? I've had the equipment to set up my sump again for well over a month. Its just been sitting there. The reason is I've spent all this time researching and planning how to put it together right.
Its not difficult to do this on a budget if you're level-headed and not too impulsive.