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I have eggs!

Feb 18, 2005
So this week, was the first time I finnaly see eggs in my tank.

Im afraid they may not be fertilised. 2 of the eggs were just loose and sitting on the sand near the nest. One is still attached and dangling in the cave. Ive never seen fresh cuttle eggs. These are kind of tear drop shaped which is the cause of my concern. Does anyone know how they should look when freshly laid?

I will post pics soon.
Heres a couple pics



What do you guys think??

Still lots of sex occurring.....
I can't view the photos, might be this $!%* ibook I have to borrow until I fix my PC... Do they look inflated? Ok, now I see the pics, I don't know, doesn't look like any eggs I have ever seen...but you never know...
They do not look inflated...They are just this tear drop pear shape. The parents also dont seem to be caring for these guys. With all the sex going on, you figure they should be fertile...Maybe the boy cuttle is "Shooting Blanks"

I feel theres many other eggs out of sight, but Im afraid to disrupt things still. Ill possibly wait a week.

Does anyone know how long it takes for a eggs to be laid and then hatched?
cuttlegirl said:
I can't view the photos, might be this $!%* ibook I have to borrow until I fix my PC... Do they look inflated? Ok, now I see the pics, I don't know, doesn't look like any eggs I have ever seen...but you never know...

I see no pics either.
I saw the pics earlier this evening but not now.

I believe a tear in the fabric of space and time has opened up in Carlsbad, CA and is rapidly spreading across the globe where it is starting to affect the internet.

Originally posted by DHyslop
I believe a tear in the fabric of space and time has opened up in Carlsbad, CA and is rapidly spreading across the globe where it is starting to affect the internet.

Oh, so that's what happed to my operating system...:hmm:

I just noticed that I only see the photos after I post something to this thread.
Those don't look fertile. Sad.

Mine have done that, then started producing more betterer clutches. I would leave them be till they start to inflate a lot. I thin messing with them might be a bad thing.
I think your right, this first batch never inflated....

The female in this couple actually had a near death experience last week. I awoke one morning to find her heas and tentacles stuck in the powerhead intake...She was very close to death and unable to even swim against any current. I seperated her and in two days she actually recovered..Amazing really. Ive never seen an animal get to that point and actually survive. Shes got some scars that are slowly healing, but shes mating again, so hopefully more eggs soon.

Also, The two other cuttles I had in the main area that I always assumed to be 2 males, might actually be a couple. I believe I caught them doing the deed the other night. Perhaps since these were runts that they only just reached sexual maturity. Just in time for valentines! Either that or they really are both males..They do live in san francisco...=)

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