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Happy Birthday to Kat!


TONMO Supporter
Nov 19, 2002
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Kat thought she could get away with it with her name not appearing in the birthday list.....but we know better! 26 today!

Happy Birthday Kathryn, :twisted: ! Hope you have a lovely day, now go and dissect something hideous and smelly.

:birthday: :cheers:
:birthday: :twisted: - may Cthulhu bring you green lefse on this joyous day!

Happy Birthday Lady T !!!!!! Don't do anything we wouldn't do!!!

Another year!.. (and you didn't get hit by a bus..) (or something..)

Congratulations on another trip around the big ball o'fire!
Many more...
ancora imparo,

"The length of your education is less important than its breadth, and the length of your life is less important than its depth."
-Marilyn vos Savant
WhiteKiboko said:
:birthday: Kat, may you live to kidnap much much more memorabilia....

n82rboy said:
"The length of your education is less important than its breadth, and the length of your life is less important than its depth."
-Marilyn vos Savant

:birthday: Kat (again; no fair, she gets two). Should any more memorabilia vanish the length of your life will be short, its depth shallow, and the breadth of your education rather narrow.
Dear Kat,

:birthday:May you have a fine, drowsy and settled-down-without-threat-of-deportation day.

Many happy returns.

Our little Tintenfisch is growing up! Right around this age is when the awkward changes begin, though; any day now parts of her will start sprouting and bulging out. Parts such as gills and eyeballs. Then her skin will develop a sickly greyish-green tint and a sort of slippery texture, her voice will get croaky, her lips will grow exceedingly pouty, she'll notice some interdigital webbing and a strong piscine fragrance that never washes away. She'll start wanting to go swimming an awful lot, and she'll find perambulation increasingly frustrating. Then will come the inevitable human sacrifices and all the "! !" and horrible difficulty getting a date for the prom. But I'm sure that she'll make us all proud in the end. Her future is bright, even if it is going to unfold in the inky blackness of the abyss.



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