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Good Heaven's!!! A new 20,000 leagues Under the Sea?


TONMO Supporter
Mar 15, 2003
SciFi channel...Gag...I am trying to suffer through this horrible rendition of Verne's classic...gone is the french professor (he is now american), his assistant is his daughter (nicknamed Charlie Darwin, yuchh), and Ned Land is a stud muffin...gag again, and again...I shall hang in there long enough to see the giant squid scene...I hope.
The thought that young generations are exposed to this as Verne makes chills run up and down my spine....yikes.
not the first time its been on..... every time i seee it in the listings i flip to it only to be fooled again.....
Rebecca was flipping through channels and brought this horror to my attention! Was Richard Crenna supposed to be Nemo?
Drat! I was hoping it would be good...

Classic sci-fi is in a bad lull right now. I would have rather seen a remake of War of The Worlds done in Victorian-era England and done true to Wells' book, rather than the modern-day adaptation Steven Speilberg and Tom Cruise have cooked up for us this summer... Jules Verne's novels are always given modern day adaptations that just.... I don't know... Just don't do them justice.

Oh well... Sadly, I am looking forward to WotW more than Star Wars Ep. 3.

Well, back to Metroid Prime 2...

What we need is a good John Wyndham remake (I always say this). Perhaps even... an actual movie of 'The kraken wakes'? Or the Triffids done again with better effects, with perhaps the sequel that Simon Clake wrote "the night of the triffids". He was a JW fan, learned JW's writing style and wrote the sequel in that style. Here's a review:


Ok, I'd just settle for something good to go and see... someone make another 'Pitchblack'.

I enjoyed Wyndham's "Triffids," but laughed out loud when the brave heroine suggested the remaining men abandon monogamy for the sake of the species. You can practically hear Wyndham clapping his hands, yelling "Hot dog!" at such moments.


As a hardened Lovecraft fanatic, I also hate how everything needs to be updated. Gawd! This stuff is so much more powerful in the proper historical perspective. Let's see what the moneymen rape next! Morons.

Sorry I didn't reply earlier with the report about the missing squid...thanks Squidman! I was in the hospital recovering from attempting to CLAW MY EYES OUT after watching that atrocity !!!!

Seriously...the new sci-fi movies have been so horrible, it is turning my stomach. Dagon? Yucch. Every time I see a blurb for a show, I get all excited, and then sit there with abject horror on my face...Stephen King is right...modern screen entertainment sucks.

Do any of you have opinions on SciFi's new Battlestar Galactica series? I've always been a fan of the original--despite being too young to see it outside of syndication. Admitting that, I think the new one is an order of magnitude better.

I am much more of a horror buff than a scifi ...and I have tried to watch it over and over...but BG is still boring to me...but all of my friends who are into scifi say it is awesome!!!
the only scifi show I really dug was babylon 5...I loved the elder races !!!

DHyslop said:
Do any of you have opinions on SciFi's new Battlestar Galactica series? I've always been a fan of the original--despite being too young to see it outside of syndication. Admitting that, I think the new one is an order of magnitude better.


It's only just started here (we're on the 3rd episode......last night!) much darker than the original, much more of a struggle......will keep watching.......maybe we'll get a HUGE space cylon ceph??????

Well, I've seen the whole of the new series of Battlestar Galactica and can honestly say it's brilliant. In my rambling opinion it's by far the best sci-fi series since Babylon 5. For some reason the whole series was shown here in the UK before the US transmission.

Stick with it, it is very character driven and is very dark with some some very interesting twists and turns...and the end...... OMG!!!!!! Yes, you will see more of the metal cylons and they are very well animated. Can't wait for Season 2 which has just been approved.

Pity the new B5 movie has been cancelled. :-(

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