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Apr 18, 2004
it's a baby bimac, just got it this morning from fishsupply, and is currently hiding in the rock somewhere. It's got a 3/4 inch head length now. How fast do they usually grow if you feed them real good. I mean like 3/4 inch to about 1.5-2 inches? he looked like a spec when i first put him in there.

(Just thought i'd move this discussion to the proper category: Journals)

1:00 pm as i woke up this morning, ( yes it was a rough night ) i can't believe i even saw him. He was attached to the side of a rock perfectly camoflauged. His two eyes sticking out were the only things that gave him away. I think he knew that i saw him, so he decided to retreat to a hole infront of the tank where he can see me and my entire room, but i can only see one eye and a tentacle of his.

Since he was out i decided to try and feed him so i stuck a ghost shrimp infront of him with a feeding stick and he grabbed it. He munched on it for like 30 min, and when he spit it out only a little bit was missing, but atleast he ate some. A couple hours later i tried to feed him some clams which he took and them proceded not to eat them but use them as a barrier to his small hole he calls a den.

---OH yea i named him GooBall
I will get pics once he stops being anti-social
Thanx. When i woke up this morning i looked into his hole which is only like 2 inches deep and like 1 inch diameter; and i swear he was in the exact same position as when i went to bed, and he had the same 2 uneat'n clams infrom of his body.

I hope the little thing is ok! Do you think he is just still stressed out, becasue when I awoke yesterday morning he was actling like a rock out in the open? Anyways i'm going to the market to pick out some fresh food for him and see if he likes any of it later on today.
Great name! Think that's a first!!!! Don't worry if he sleeps a few days. Some of the babies do kind of hide for a while and by the time the owners are ready to tear apart the tank to search them out, they reappear! I would leave him be. He'll come around. How's your water parameters, just to be on the safe side.

Well it's a 75 gallon tank with a 150 gallon rating wet/dry with built in protein skimmer, and i have been using it for a fish only tank for about 2 years now. It was fully stocked before i added him then i removed all the fish 4 days proior to ading him. so i mean if 7 large fish were ok im sure a 2 inch oncto will be a far less bio load then the last tank mates wouldn't you think? and yes i know my SG, Ph, and alkalinity are ok and i havent needed to check ammonia, NO2, or NO3, for about a year now.

When I went to the store earlier i bought a sea scallop and a large clam. i chopped them both up and tried to give him a piece of each. He touched it with his tentacle and then didn't seem interested. I them tried to give him a live baby clam touched it and didn't want it. Then finally i gave him a stunned ghost shrimp, he took it in his hole, and then not even 2-3 minutes later he spit it back out of his hole. Guess he just isn't hungry or something. Atleast i know he had a couple bites out of one yesterday. this little thing makes me crazy... lol... :bugout:
Ok I know i said i would wait a day or 2 to try and feed him but i couldn't resist. When i got home from my Exam today he still was in his hole; (he has been in there for 3 days now) so i tried teasing him with my pinkie finger infront of the glass, and he came right out and right up to the glass try'n to eat my finger. But then retreated once he knew he couldn't have it.

I stole one of my roomates feeder guppies and stabed it with my feeding stick. I reached it down infront of his hole and he snatched it real fast. So far he has only taked a couple bites out of a ghost shrimp, and he is still munch'n on the fish so I don't really know how much he will eat of it. i'm going to prolly have to go to the lfs and but abunch of live food for him.

Another thing i thought was wierd was that i put a snail infront of him and he took it and felt all around it and then threw it out of his hole. Arn't they supposed to eat snails? He sees it move, and then he goies over to it, and feals around on it and ascts like he doesn't know what to do; like he just feals a rock.

I have a few comments,

EightLeggedFreak said:
I stole one of my roomates feeder guppies and stabed it with my feeding stick.

Make sure the guppy had no copper in the tank it used to be in. ;)

EightLeggedFreak said:
Another thing i thought was wierd was that i put a snail infront of him and he took it and felt all around it and then threw it out of his hole. Arn't they supposed to eat snails? He sees it move, and then he goies over to it, and feals around on it and ascts like he doesn't know what to do; like he just feals a rock.

Yeah. The Agent did that too but once he actually ate the snail, he knew it was food. :)
Yea i know the pet store we go to does not use copper in any of their tanks. Good to know your look'n out for me though.

My digital camera won't zoom in, so i am going to have to wait for the opertune moment to get a good pic if he ever comes out again...lol

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