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Dedicated Server!


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
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This Memorial Day Weekend (US Holiday) TONMO.com is celebrating its 6th anniversary! What better way to celebrate than on a new, dedicated server?

Same site, same stuff, but now we're on our own Web server (previously, we shared our server with a couple hundred other accounts). So now we've got lots of room to grow. Let's do that!

Dedicated servers are expensive, and require maintenance. I want to thank our TONMO.com Supporters for making this happen, I want to thank individual contributors who sent funding outside of the Supporters program, and I especially want to thank Dr. Steve O'Shea for arranging a sponsorship for TONMO.com from the Earth and Oceanic Sciences Research Institute at AUT.

I don't do "fund drives" here, but I'll take this opportunity to say that now more than ever, anyone interested in joining the Supporters program is encouraged to do so -- for more information, click here. Supporters gain access to the private Supporters forum, and get additional perks (such as storage for up to 200 private messages), and most importantly, Supporters help ensure the operational viability of TONMO.com.

:smile: not quite a dual proc thing going on, but we're in good shape! Much fatter pipe, much more hard disk space -- processor speed and RAM is comparable to what we had before.
How cool to see Tonmo grow and grow and grow... this is a great update, Tony!
Thanks! I think we will be more stable (although I am trying to settle some dust this morning)...

I can't guarantee stability, but here's some good news that comes with being on a dedicated server:

1 - Troubleshooting is much easier. If the server goes down, I know it's either related to my stuff only, or a problem at the datacenter. Previously, if the site was down or running slowly, I wouldn't know where to turn -- was it a problem on TONMO.com? Or could it be some other Website on my server that I know nothing about causing problems?

2 - I've now got 24/7 access to technical support from the datacenter. Previously, my hosting provider was my only conduit, and he was only partially available on the plan I was on. Now I have 24/7 access to the datacenter for server-related issues.

3 - I have much more powerful server configuration tools. So I'm empowered to make broader changes to the system myself to affect change (hopefully positive).

4 - Much more bandwidth, much more Web space, and all that processing power and RAM is completely dedicated to my sites. BTW, my sites include:


That's all that's on the server.

The biggest challenge I have is this pesky full-time career I'm managing :wink2:. When things go south during the day, there's not much I can do to improve things. But at least having all the tools above will make things much easier for me to manage when I get home at night! And I can better optimize things to try to avoid such disasters during the day... but I guess the point of my post here is that unfortunately, there are no guarantees when it comes to Webhosting.

But as described above, we've got forward progress! Thanks again -

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