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Cuttle Fish

Oct 15, 2003
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Any one know of cuttle fish that make good pets, i was thinking of getting a bimac, but they sound cool to, also my birthday and x-mas is coming up soon, so maybe any one have an idea for eco system for my bimac, like lil crabs and stuff for him to eat, plus stuff that the crabs and stuff eat where they could keep a population and stuffs.
Hi Justin and welcome to TONMO

Give them time, they'll get back to you. Why don't you try the search function and look for bandenensis, cuttlefish, and so on. There are some great photos and even video on the multimedia page.

It's easier for the people who know to make recommendations if they know where you are.

Good luck with your tank!


Iv been looking around,,, and for all the stuff my wil baby will need is as high as 2000 dollarS! could i get a bimy and all his stuff for under 400$ Bad ole government wont let me work for another 2 years.
Hi, I'm new too, but I could probably help some...
First off, if you live in the US, it's really hard to find a cuttlefish because their only native in Europe and Australia (and other places around Asia???)
Also, cuttlefish grow up quickly so they need a pretty big tank (Colin said that he had some cuttlefish in his 200 gla. tank and even that wasn't big enough for one full grown cuttle) I guess it depends on what species you get too, I think Sepia Officionalis (grr spelling) is the most popular.
So, depending on where you live, bimacs are probably your best bet in the US.
Also, if you want to put other species in it (like fish) they'll most likely get eaten or eat it, so the cuttle would be the only thing you could put in it (other than it's food :P )
If I'm missing anything (or if I have any mistakes :roll: ) I'm sure someone else will respond 8)
hope this helps at present
I am getting a bimac, 99 percent sure, and what i was asking about is something that would be its food, but a substancial population to survive my babies feedings and have lots of fings for him to eats.
err, if you plan to get live rock, it can eat the amphipods from that, but as it grows older, you can feed it shrimp, crabs, hermit crabs, and then eventrually sea food like scallops and fish (fresh fresh fresh!!!)
Larval mass is just how they rank you depending on how many posts you have 8)
Hi, and welcome to TONMO.com.

I don't think you can set up an "eco system" for a bimac, because they eat too much too fast. I had lots of amphipods, but my bimac cleaned out the tank when he was young - he really liked them. And he can eat a lot of shrimp in a week.

So you may have to rely on the fish market for food. Do you live near a coast and can get some live food for your octopus? This makes it easier.

I dont live near the coast, unfortunately, hopefully i can convince my mom to let us move from this s*** bag of a town known as front royal, which is in warren county, and warren county is the worst school system in virginia, literally, according to the schoolboard.
:welcome: to TONMO.com Justin.

I find that one of the hardier species are sepia latimanus ( My opinion could be wrong though). Unfortunately, If you are on a budget, I think it would be too much to handle as they can grow to be 50cm ML. A good sized cuttle is sepia bandensis which gets to only about 4 inches and can be kept in smaller tanks. This species is one of the most commonly imported species in the US

When keeping cuttles, it is better for the tank to be longer rather than taller as cuttles can jet at really high speeds. I would suggest a 4x1x1 or a 4x2x2 for that. Which is about US 50 gallons ( am I right about the conversion:?: I got a feeling I am.
If you still want a cuttlefish, you can wait a couple months and order one from octopets in the Buy, Sell and Trade forum, that's what I'm doing.
And if you are still considering cuttlefish, and are in a university or some school, you can do what O.vulgaris did. you can order a cuttlefish from NRCC and ask them to send it to your uni saying its for research or something. you can then collect it from the uni.

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