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columbia sc zoo

Feb 24, 2005
well i went to the zoo last night here in columbia sc cause i had heard that they got a new gpo in since the last one died and low and behold there it was head the size of a watermellon and legs like 4 feet long... in a tank that had maybe 65 gallons of water volume in it... it was sad... the big guy took up almost the whole tank when he relaxed... then i walked a few tanks down and omg... like 6 nauties in a tank the same size! they seemed to be doing fine one was floating on the surface and the others were suspended crusing around and seemed to be slightly interested in me. im gonna go back sometime soon and ill take my camera this time so i can get some pics for yall.
This is dreadful and shameful. You ought to alert the local papers and force them to give the GPO a bigger tank. Same with the nautis. I love Charleston. It's a historically important, gorgeous town. Amazing recipes come from that town. The architecture is superb. The locals were really, really friendly. It shouldn't take on the reputation of a bunch of rich ignorant people showing off their cephs like one of the Hilton sisters carrying their godawful little dogs around under their arms, then getting rid of the animal because it dared to defecate in public. These cephalopods need more room. They're vital animals, not novelties. When I was 17 I saw chambered nautilus in a tiny box tank at Sea World (San Diego) and have always wondered how long these creatures - hard-wired to live a vertical existence - lasted in that tiny box. You ought to shame them into providing their creatures with more suitable digs. Really. There are probably lots of influential folks with too much money in that town, desperate for a cause that will give their materially-bloated lives some meaning. Works quite well over here. Thanks for bringing this disgrace to everybody's attention! :sad:
I would talk to the staff first, and see if they have a good enough reason (maybe the new tank isn't ready yet, etc) ...
Went into the local grocers yesterday, and they were selling "farm raised orange roughy", yeah right. Talked to the guy behind the counter for a bit, like he could care, and so I will be finding a new place to shop.
'holes !

Never been to the Columbia zoo... the Charleston aquarium used to have a vulgaris in a small tank with like ten flounders... not surprisingly, last time i went dont think the octo was still around...
they also kept the last gpo in this same tank in columbia and it was a larger specimen if i remember correctly... i never saw the vulgy at the charleston then agian ive only been once because i wasnt that impressed
Definately ask to speak with the manager of the aquarium. I would imagine the problem is through ignorance not malice!!

You could tell them to join Tonmo! :grin:

You might be able to get some leverage with a story in the paper - as Erich said, PR is a powerful tool!!!
Oops... it seems my brain and fingers werent communicating... was thinking pygmy but typed vulgaris... while this is better, it still looked mighty cramped...
cthulhu77 said:
I would talk to the staff first, and see if they have a good enough reason (maybe the new tank isn't ready yet, etc) ...
Went into the local grocers yesterday, and they were selling "farm raised orange roughy", yeah right. Talked to the guy behind the counter for a bit, like he could care, and so I will be finding a new place to shop.
'holes !


:shock: :mad: :shock: deeeeeeeeeeeeep water farm right????? Plus they must've been farming for years to get any decent sizes!

Oh, I am sure I frightened off a bunch of shoppers while I was there, lighting into them. (more than normal, I mean)
well i went back and now ive got some pictures but it might be a while before i can post them since my computer is undergoing some changes (puberty will do that)jk. anyway ill post them when i get them up

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