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Cephalopod visualizations?


Pygmy Octopus
Jul 6, 2005
I'm doing a search on computer generated visualizations of cephalopods created for either documentary,research or entertainment purposes.
What I'm after for is mainly 3d computer animated visualisations.

Do you by any chance have come across anything that might fit into this category?

thanks :)
Hello Segmoria,


TONMO member CarlS has been working on a superb 3D model of Architeuthis dux. To link to his thread, click here.

There are some other models you may have seen. Offsite, the UK team responsible for animating the CGI giant squid in the documentary "Incredible Suckers" has a page showing their work.

"Incredible Suckers" giant squid

Finally, Simex-Iwerks of Toronto produced CGI for a motion simulator ride called "Deep Sea: The Ride," which featured another giant squid. To view a trailer online, click here.

There's at least one other giant squid animation that was produced for a documentary, featuring our very own Dr. Steve O'Shea, but the title eludes me at the moment. In the pure entertainment realm, a beautifully rendered kraken was produced for the silly feature film "Deep Rising." A mythical and monstrous cephalopod, but well done.

Hope this information proves useful. Welcome to TONMO.

Clem said:
There's at least one other giant squid animation that was produced for a documentary, featuring our very own Dr. Steve O'Shea, but the title eludes me at the moment.

It was for Discovery and was one of these Animal Encounter sorts of things and was called Animal Face off; Colossal Squid vs Sperm Whale

and :welcome: Segmoria

thanks! I'm trying my best to track down all the things you referenced here.
I also came across a computer generated model of the giant squid on the "Chasing Giants: On the Trail of the Giant Squid" which I thought was pretty nice.

And on a lighter note, in "LOTR-The Fellowship of the Ring" I noticed the appearance of a creepy CG octopus-like creature that was found guarding the gates of Moria, mentioned as "Watcher in the Water".
Segmoria said:
And on a lighter note, in "LOTR-The Fellowship of the Ring" I noticed the appearance of a creepy CG octopus-like creature that was found guarding the gates of Moria, mentioned as "Watcher in the Water".
That was based on an Architeuthis; had the special effects guys from LOTR at work several years ago poking and proding my squid. All I got for my stinking troubles was an enormous beach towel!! Me, sit on a beach & get a tan? Not likely!

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