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Ceph Field Trip!


Staff member
Dec 20, 2002
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How about snorkeling and/or diving, in clear tropical waters, to look for cephalopods? How about useing a 200 foot tall ship as a base and sailing to a new place every day?


"The Octopus & Squid Survey in the Grenadines will be directed by Dr. James Wood. This survey is an unprecedented effort as there has never been a survey for these animals in this region. Not only are these animals incredibly interesting and offer extreme potential in terms of general education, but there is a need to understand the movement and eating habits of octopus and squid as part of a complete and comprehensive marine management program in the country."
I am fortunate enough to have a house in Mexico, and will be down for 5 (gasp) five days there next week...lots of cephs in the water...I shall try to take some pictures with my digital and post them up...last spring we saw dozens of octos in the tidepools...one a beautiful little female with her eggs in a large shell...hope they all hatched!
o.vulgaris said:
This is good news, but I won't have time, will see after I get my lab this november at the nrcc. :)

Coming to the NRCC? I love that place. I just started on there as a college intern earlier this semester. If you need anyone to help with random things around your lab, I would be happy to volunteer.

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