Bimacs availability

2 med/ small
1 medium Bimacs available! Thanks
Hello, I am also wondering if you are still selling Bimac's I'm not ready for one yet, but will be in about 8-12 months. I'm building a 180 gal system solely for a Bimac and once built it will cycle for 4-6 months before I would be looking for one. I have been in saltwater for about 15 years and got in with the hope of one day having a octopus. I plan on having them for quite a while as long as I can continue to find them.
Hello, I am also wondering if you are still selling Bimac's I'm not ready for one yet, but will be in about 8-12 months. I'm building a 180 gal system solely for a Bimac and once built it will cycle for 4-6 months before I would be looking for one. I have been in saltwater for about 15 years and got in with the hope of one day having an octopus. I plan on having them for quite a while as long as I can continue to find them.
Hi Chris, yes we do. Thanks

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