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Bimac Siblings - who has zyan_silver's bimacs?


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
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Hi everyone,

Please report in here if you've bought or will be buying one (or more) of zyan_silver's bimacs. We had a group of bimac siblings from Octopets a few years ago and it was fun to track them through their lives. So I'll keep a list if you'll let me know who has them.

Mine comes from Zyan.

Perhaps we should all start keeping track of temperatures, too. We can see if the bimacs with the coldest tanks do indeed live the longest.
I got mine today! Lovely little bugger, active, swimming all around the bowl I acclimated him in, and he even squirted water at the sides of the bowl several times. He has a magnificent mottled brown/grayish green coloration. My temperature is at 69*F.

I was playing with the octopus, putting my finger near him to see if he would come closer, and he did. He kinda jumped on me, and it scared me to death. Soooooo...I kinda jerked back, and he inked twice. it was just a small amount, and the skimmer/filter got it. He's just a little shaken right now. He's actually tortuing his food items. He's going around burying snails, hermit, and these big sw crabs that Zyan sent. Evil little thing, lol. ;)
Hello all,

This is my first post here on TONMO. I have talked to Zyan about getting one of his Bimacs,but I am worried about the shipping from California to here in Pennsylvania.The tempature has been dropping into the 20's here at night. So my question is do you think it will survive the trip?Are Bimacs good shippers? Sorry if this is a little off topic.

Thanks ,Steve
:welcome: Steve!

I just received my Bimac, Spike, from Zyan on Friday and I live in New Jersey so Pa should not be a problem at all. I had mine delivered to my work, so he was in the box from Thurs. morn till around 3:30 Friday and is doing beautifully so far!

And tank temp is 72. I dripped for almost an hour. His water was cold when he arrived but the raise to 72 has not seemed to affect him at all. I think the key point here is NOT to rush acclimation.
:welcome: and I look forward to hearing about your octo!
Well now I have to cut my order back to just one. My 55 FOWLR is out of comission-cracked!! Now I know why mom always said "NO ball in the house!!". Turns out my 2 year old daughter has quite an arm. Can't be upset though-it was MY idea to play.
caz2022;84191 said:
Well now I have to cut my order back to just one. My 55 FOWLR is out of comission-cracked!! Now I know why mom always said "NO ball in the house!!". Turns out my 2 year old daughter has quite an arm. Can't be upset though-it was MY idea to play.


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