Thanks everyone! Quick update - I put them together again and it wasn't wonderful. They chased right away (I think they were hungry). After a few minutes I decided to put them back into their respective homes - my mistake. I should have let them be in the homes they were in, but I thought they needed to be in the surroundings they were used to. During the attempts to shoo them around, I got major ink. Major. Did I mention major. From both of them. Got them settled, and broke out the Magnum 330's, carbon and a micron filter - and was very please I shelled out the buck for a big skimmer. 7 or 8 hours later, the tank was clean and everyone ate.
I picked up three more cuttles today, and they are acclimating as I type. The LFS had 5, but two of them are big, so I didn't get them.
Colin, according to ceph base Bandensis has an adult mantle length of 6 cm. This is straight from cephbase, their arms are usually 3-5 cm. Head probably about 2. that's a total of 9-12 cm, about 5-6", which looks right for my guys. According to my friend in Flordia who really seems to know what he is talking about "Morphology for bandensis is perfect too, especially in the pic in the cuttle page of your website: the common name is stump-spined cuttles"
But then who knows? I am just hoping that they are all the same species - they really look it.
Anyway, should I start a new thread about this or just leave it here?
Thanks for the input, and please keep it comming.