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[Article]: Keeping and Breeding the dwarf cuttlefish Sepia bandensis


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May 30, 2000
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[URL2="[URL="http://www.tonmo.com/cephcare/cuttlefish.php"]Cephalopod Care[/URL]"]Keeping and Breeding the dwarf cuttlefish Sepia bandensis[/URL2]

Richard Ross (righty) has shared with us his article on cuttlefish keeping and breeding (S. bandensis). It contains detailed information about care for S. Bandensis, and is a must-read for anyone currently keeping (or thinking of keeping) cuttlefish. It's also complemented by 20 breath-taking photos.

Richard's article first appeared at AdvancedAquarist.com (link). Thank you Richard for your contribution! :notworth:
Hey Righty, jut got off the phone with Allen at Marine Depot. He seems to be a pretty cool guy! Was calling to get some dimensions for a tank. Take it easy!

I realize this is an old thread and I apologize if it wasn't intended to be resurrected, but I had to post and say THANK YOU to Mr. Ross for his work and the excellent article, and the Tonmo folks for hosting it here!

I'll soon be working on my first foray into Reef tanks so I can learn all I can and graduate into Cuttles.

My hope is to be able to join the ranks of people trying to captively raise S. bandensis, helping to further promote the hobby, share in helping keep a genepool with variety, and provide other enthusiasts with livestock.

Eventually keeping S. officinalis would be the dream, but that seems to be a HUGE undertaking.

Anyways, THANKS again!
I have a 24 gallon nano tank. I would like to get some sepia bandensis eggs if possible and raise them and breed them in the future. i would like some advice if this is a good tank size or should I upgrade. Can anyone tell me anything about husbandry of these cute little guys. I may not reply until the end of the summer since i will be vacationing.

please be patient with me

cephaloholic;99065 said:
I have a 24 gallon nano tank. I would like to get some sepia bandensis eggs if possible and raise them and breed them in the future. i would like some advice if this is a good tank size or should I upgrade. Can anyone tell me anything about husbandry of these cute little guys. I may not reply until the end of the summer since i will be vacationing.

please be patient with me


They will need at least a 55 gallon tank if you want to try raising and breeding. They will be OK in a smaller tank while they are young (up to about 6 months old), but after that, they will need more room.
hi it's cephaloholic again. I originally posted this on a tank talk thread but was given the advice to ask questions here. I have a 29 gallon biocube and hope to set it up as a bobtail squid tank. I plan on removing the live rock and putting seagrass in there instead. I was given the thought that their care is similar to sepia bandensis. If anyone has had experience or has knowlege of these cool creatures please share your information. I was also wondering if the feeding requirements are similar to sepia bandensis.

Thank you
Thanks! I think the information is still pretty current, though I am slowly putting together a followup. :grin:

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