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Art studio facade

Hey, that's pretty good!

There are more octos around in public places than you'd think - got to get back to Galveston and get a pic of the huge octo above The Octopus Grill!


I found out that they changed the name of my old preschool to "Octopus". It's a daycare now, but still... Good old octopodes have a good reputation here :)
Fandabbydozy Tony, no frontages like that here in sunny Norfolk just security guards & "pay or die" on the till :cry:
I kid you not !
oh okay, a bit ! :roll:

She seems to be holding a scrubbing brush!!
Jean, sorry to correct you but I believe it is a Winkle pie which mermaids traditionally eat on a stick.
In her other hand should be a winkle gun but I fear someone has made off with it.

Also, I'm not a pro-fish person but I keep 'em, catch 'em & eat 'em & I know a piscatorial caudal fin when I see one & that mermaid ain't packing a mammalian tail piece !
Hands up who thinks caudal peduncle is the top anatomical label ? :thumbsup:
spartacus said:
Jean, sorry to correct you but I believe it is a Winkle pie which mermaids traditionally eat on a stick.
In her other hand should be a winkle gun but I fear someone has made off with it.
Sorry but it still looks like a loo brush to me :D

spartacus said:
Also, I'm not a pro-fish person but I keep 'em, catch 'em & eat 'em & I know a piscatorial caudal fin when I see one & that mermaid ain't packing a mammalian tail piece !
Hands up who thinks caudal peduncle is the top anatomical label ? :thumbsup:

Could be a manatee or dugong tail twisted to the side??? OK OK so it's a fish tail!!!!!

caudal peduncle :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Jean, I have done a bit of investigating have found that only Baltic mermaids partake of (curried) winkle pie so you may well be correct though I've never seen a mermaid in a pink tabard.
I have also wondered as to whether the octopus has just had his contacts cleaned ? please note you should never clean your contacts with a loo brush (or a winkle pie) :yuck:

I just knew you'd be a caudal peduncle fan 8)
Could be a manatee or dugong tail twisted to the side???
Indeed, indeed but from the pictorial evidence the tail lacks a little of the paddlosity associated with both these Floridian & Antipodean aquatic mammalians ce n'est pas ?

:band: How much is that dorado in the window...........?
spartacus said:
I've never seen a mermaid in a pink tabard.
I have also wondered as to whether the octopus has just had his contacts cleaned ? please note you should never clean your contacts with a loo brush (or a winkle pie) :yuck:

I think you'll find that the pink tabard is what shows she's a cleaner mermaid! When she moves on from her juvenile phase she'll get the customary shell bikini top!

Contacts????????I done even want to go there :yuck: makes mine swim just to think of it :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

I just knew you'd be a caudal peduncle fan 8)

Absolutely....love that latin
sounds so much better that "tail"
Could be a manatee or dugong tail twisted to the side???
Indeed, indeed but from the pictorial evidence the tail lacks a little of the paddlosity associated with both these Floridian & Antipodean aquatic mammalians ce n'est pas ?

yes but the gentic blending can soften some features so that the tail has less paddlosity.

Master class??????????

Put it down to too much caffeine, :coffee: followed quickly by V and Red Bull does strange things to one :shock: :bugout: :bonk: :roll:

need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee: need more :coffee:


Jean, I was waffling, your input had conviction.

Now I've put you on a pedestal & you are a pedagogue of things marine,
you got any ideas bout what my avatar is ?
I found it on yahoo & as a fan of the weird & wonderful of the abyss I thought pukka ! but I gone lost gen on what it is !

For inspiration I take a hit of Dolmio tomato soup with a hot chocolate chaser, tape a Dextrosol to each temple, the solar plexus & have a ProPlus sandwich :rainbow:
Hi Spartacus,

Your avatar looks as if it's either a pteropod or a heteropod!!!! Sea butterflies! pteropods are snails which swim! the foot has two wing like protrusions that they use to "fly" with. Heteropods are similar but are more like a slug with wings. Yours looks more like a pteropod to me (slthough I could be wrong!!)

(on this stuff I have an unfair advantage! I work in an aquarium and marine lab!)

For inspiration I'm strictly a caffeine girl......although choc has caffiene right????? :D


Jean, you meeet some of the cleverest people around these parts :notworth:
I will investigate further.
Snails with a tendency to swimming in my pond don't get long to practice which is why they've not yet taken that evolutionary step perhaps ?

Biggest aquarium I've had was 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 ft & I definitely couldn't get in it in my fittest stage of development.
You're obviously quite small or supple.

ProPlus is concentrated caffeine without the brown muck attached :shock:

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