anything in northern california coming up? | Page 2

anything in northern california coming up?

I'm in Menlo Park for this week, helping my dad recover from surgery, but he's doing well enough that I can take off for most of the day, so I'm thinking of day trips to Monterey, SF, or Berzerkeley... anyone feel like getting together for a bit?

I'd love to visit labs (e.g. UCB, MBARI, Hopkins) if that's not an imposition, and seeing Thales' or Paradox' cephs would be fun... or, just the usual "have a beer" or "go to the Monterey Aquarium / Steinhart" would be fun.

I'm guessing Thales won't be back from his envy-inspiring dive trip, though...

Otherwise, anyone up for some sort of nanocon?
Keith;123142 said:
if im not workin im down to go check out steinhart if its open already

The web page says it doesn't re-open until 9/27, sadly.

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