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Ammonite in amber, honest.


TONMO Supporter
Nov 19, 2002
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'Tis true.



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Must have been the rare arboreal ammonite. Some teuthologists believe this animal is related to the Cascadia tree octopus. The other option is that it was caught by a pterosaur that then dropped it into a coniferous forest, where it landed in sap and was caught fast.
Dudes, its totally real.

Its called an Ambernite. That particular one is called Notrealatall philsfoolingus. I found about ten of them one day while dissecting a rare species of flying whale named Heliobalaena ceteovolus . I plan to jurassic park a whole bunch of these and make an army to cripple British shipping lanes for cutting off our tea supply... DANGNABBIT! The US isn't getting enough tea!

Sushi and the Surreal,

Fujisawas Sake said:
Dudes, its totally real.

Its called an Ambernite. That particular one is called Notrealatall philsfoolingus. I found about ten of them one day while dissecting a rare species of flying whale named Heliobalaena ceteovolus .


Also, there's the Tree Octopus, it might be related. Or it might be the lost link between cephs and humans!!! (The theory was termed as Notlinkedatall theory, which was published on the day Chrono said this.)

(Note: Chrono published it, it's on TONMO.com, somewhere.)
Perhaps we could try and extract some DNA from the Ambernite, and attempt to splice it into the eggs of some of Steve's squids, in traditional Jurassic Park style. We could create monstrous ammonite/squid hybrids, to be unveiled at TONMOcon2 and confuse local divers.

FJ is a dab hand at genetics, I'm sure he'll have a crack at it.

(I must get out more).

((Interesting signature you have there Chrono. Spam? Me? This sort of thread is very worthy you know, and a waste of no-ones time. Honestly. :wink2: ))
Cephkid said:

:lol: Oh I like that a lot. The implication here is that we could actually reverse cephalopod evolutionary history and recreate orthoconic Nautiloids by crossing the amber ammonite and Steve's Sepioteuthis.

Welcome to Ordovician Park. (Pond?)

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