Here are a ton of papers that might be of interest!
Jackson, G.D., McGrath-Steer, B. Wotherspoon, S. & Hobday, A.J. (2003) Variation in age, growth and maturity in the Australian arrow squid Nototodarus gouldi over time and space – what is the pattern? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 264: 57-71
Jackson, G.D. & G. Pecl. (2003) The dynamics of the summer spawning population of the loliginid squid Sepioteuthis australis in Tasmania, Australia – a conveyor belt of cohorts ICES J. Mar. Sci. 60: 290-296.
Jackson, G.D. & M.L. Domeier (2003) The effects of an extraordinary El niño/La niña event on the size and growth of the squid Loligo opalescens off Southern California. Mar. Biol. 142: 925-935.
Jackson, G.D. & J.W. Forsythe (2002) Statolith age validation and growth of Loligo plei (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in the Gulf of Mexico during spring/summer. J. Mar. Biol Ass. U.K. 82: 677-678.
Jackson G.D. & N.A. Moltschaniwskyj (2002) Spatial and temporal variation in growth rates and maturity in the Indo-Pacific squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: loliginidae) Mar.Biol. 140: 747-754.
Jackson G.D. & R.K. O’Dor (2001) Time, space and the ecophysiology of squid growth, life in the fast lane. Vie et Milieu. 51: 205-215.
Jackson G.D. & N.A. Moltschaniwskyj (2001). Temporal variation in growth rates and reproductive parameters in the small near-shore tropical squid, Loliolus noctiluca; is cooler better? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 218: 167-177.
Jackson, G.D.& N.A. Moltschaniwskyj (2001) The influence of ration level on growth and statolith increment width of the tropical squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae): an experimental approach. Mar. Biol. 138:819-825
Moltschaniwskyj, N.A. & G.D. Jackson (2000) Growth and proximal composition as a function of feeding history in juvenile cephalopods. J. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 253: 229-241.
Jackson, G.D., R.A. Alford & J.H. Choat (2000) Can squid populations be analysed using standard fishery length-based techniques? ICES J. Mar. Sci. 57: 948-954.
Jackson, G.D. & N.A. Moltschaniwskyj (1999) Tests for precision in squid statolith age estimates of Photololigo (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) off Queensland, Australia. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 56: 221-227.
Jackson, G.D. (1998) Research into the life history of Loligo opalescens: where to from here? Calif. Coop. Fish. Invst. Repts. 39:101-107.
Jackson, G.D. & V.A. Wadley (1998) Age, growth and reproduction of the tropical squid Nototodarus hawaiiensis (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) off the North West Slope of Australia. Fish. Bull. 96: 779-787.
Jackson, G.D., J.W. Forsythe, R.F. Hixon & R.T. Hanlon (1997) Age, growth and maturation of Lolliguncula brevis (Cephalopoda: loliginidae) in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico with a comparison of length-frequency vs. statolith age analysis. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 2907-2919.
Jackson, G.D., N.G. Buxton & M.J.A. George (1997) Beak length analysis of Moroteuthis ingens (Cephalopoda: Onychoteuthidae) from the Falkland Islands region of the Patagonian Shelf. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 77: 1235-1238.
Jackson, G.D. (1997) Age, growth and maturation of the deepwater squid Moroteuthis ingens (Cephalopoda: Onychoteuthidae) in New Zealand waters. Polar Biol. 17: 268-274.
Jackson, G.D. & J. Yeatman (1996) Variation in size and age-at-maturity in Photololigo from the North West Shelf of Australia. Fish. Bull. 94: 59-65.
Jackson, G.D. (1995) Seasonal influences on statolith growth in the tropical near-shore loliginid squid Loligo chinensis (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) off Townsville, North Queensland, Australia. Fish. Bull. 93: 747-751.
Jackson, G.D. & C.C. Lu. (1994) The statolith microstructure of seven species of Antarctic squid captured in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 6: 195-200.
Jackson, G.D. (1994) Application and future potential of statolith increment analysis in squids and sepioids. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51: 2612-2625.
Jackson, G.D. (1994) Statolith age estimates of the loliginid squid Loligo opalescens (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), corroboration with culture data. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54: 554-557.
Jackson, G. D. (1993) Growth zones within the statolith microstructure of the deepwater squid Moroteuthis ingens (Cephalopoda: Onychoteuthidae): evidence for a habitat shift? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50: 2366-2374.
Alford, R.A. & G.D. Jackson (1993) Do cephalopods and larvae of other taxa grow asymptotically. Am. Nat. 141: 717-728.
Jackson, G.D. & J.H. Choat (1992) Growth in tropical cephalopods; an analysis based on statolith microstructures. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49: 218-228.
Jackson, G.D., C.C. Lu, & M. Dunning (1991) Microstructural growth rings in the statoliths of the giant squid Architeuthis. Veliger 34: 331-334.
Jackson, G.D. (1990) The use of tetracycline staining techniques to determine statolith growth ring periodicity in the tropical loliginid squids Loliolus noctiluca and Loligo chinensis. Veliger 33: 395-399.
Jackson, G.D. (1990) Age and growth of the tropical near-shore loliginid squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana determined from statolith growth ring analysis. Fish. Bull. 88: 113-118.
Jackson, G.D. (1989) The use of statolith microstructures to analyse life-history events in the small tropical cephalopod Idiosepius pygmaeus. Fish. Bull. 87:265-272.