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You-Know-Who as a Remedy for Cosmic Angst

Nov 20, 2002
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No, this isn't a belated April Fool's Day prank. The cover story on this week's TV GUIDE is entitled "The TV Moodmender", with the subheading, "Sad, tired, bored, a little nervous? Relief is as close as the nearest remote."

Under the heading of remedies for depression, the evening pick is SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! The synopsis reads, "You'll either watch with a smile or stare in disbelief. Either way, it's pretty hard to be gloomy."

Who wouldn't want to live in a world where the most maniacal bad guy is a diminutive Copepod, and the most agonizing question is who threw a peanut at Clamu the Giant Oyster?

:snail: :arrow: "MEOW"
i think the real reason that you started this thread is because you were scared off by my salvo of Sinatra movies on Groaners :) get ready, im working on a list for bogey.... as for your rectangular hero, im still holding out....

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