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I worship at the blood soaked altar of the octopus-headed Great Old One who will destroy the world and reclaim it's ashes in the name of all that is eldritch and unspeakable... Does that count?

Sedusa said:
I worship at the blood soaked altar of the octopus-headed Great Old One who will destroy the world and reclaim it's ashes in the name of all that is eldritch and unspeakable... Does that count?


Sounds fun, but who is the octopus headed Great Old One?
Hi Nick

You might enjoy some H.P. Lovecraft, although I can't remember which ones feature Chthulu most. I like your photos fromt eh Great Barrier Reef - this makes me want to go there. I'll see if we have any pictures from snorkeling in the Sea of Cortes in Mexico, but I think all the photos are from land.

Hi Nick,

Cthulhu is a mythical god from the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, a horror writer from the 20's and 30's. A lot of us who are ceph nuts are also fans of Cthulhu and HP Lovecraft in general. I would suggest picking up the collection of short stories, Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and The Macabre for a good introduction to his work.


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