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The NY Times is saying that two Japanese Scientists have caught a giant squid on film

Fantastic. Does anyone know where we can find video or photos?
I found this on Yahoo News, from Reuters. I hope it's OK to repost it here...
wow thats really cool.

i've actually been a lurker here ever since the colossal squid pictures came up, and i love this website.

so i was wondering.

Steve, what have you heard about all of this?
Parandroidx, welcome!! Seems you've been here for quite a while, but glad you have de-lurked! :smile:

Re: copyright, I've removed the article from being reprinted here; links are OK but recreating article content would be a violation. Re: the pictures, I think we're OK there -- it seems to be common form on message communities to share photos. In any event, per our Terms of Service, each of you are responsible for what you post. :wink2:
oh sorry about that. i guess you all will have to register on the nytimes website, but its free anyway so it doesn't really matter.
Did you read the part about the ripping off of the tentacles? the poor famous squid now can't feed himself/herself!!! Oh well, the price you pay for fame!
MSNBC is carrying this news on their site.

The second item in MSNBC's Related Stories box reads: "Report: Jennifer Jason Leigh marries."

I am not making this up.

Clem, MSNBC seems to have developed itself a killer metaphor engine. I find the didgeridoo music story much harder to connect. :hmm:

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