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Squid Eats Marlin (Older News)

Clem;89725 said:
I'm with you on both counts. About that gray ring with the hole in the center...I dunno, is there such a thing as a buccal hickey? Cheers,

Hmmm... my male cuttlefish give each other hickeys, not always round but it could be possible. I still strikes me that the upper left part of the marlin looks like a shark shaped bite (crescent shaped).
A Buccal Hickey (you have to love us) would be 7 pointed, I guess. Not too sure about the obvious grey circle with center spot being a sucker mark either, certainly not in isolation. The gash out of the left gill cover looks like a hybrid of cookie cutter and squid. Cookie cutters can't have done this, they're hit and run, not piranha's in feeding frenzy style. Large predatory squid Humboldt style do hunt in groups, at least according to the footage I've watched so far, but sharks are still the safest bet, I reckon...
Here's a related item.

Carl Safina's posted an interesting pic of a Mako shark at his blog (caught as part of a tagging program) showing pronounced sucker marks on its flank. The scars are attributed to Dosidicus. Neat photo and interesting background, as observers have, apparently, been encountering Mako's with similar injuries only recently.


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