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Squid and Octopus spotting


Dec 16, 2002
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3 sightings this time:

1. On a tag for a toy Welsh dragon I bought back in 1995 the company name is Octopus Supplies.

2. The April issue of the Fortean Times, page 7, is an article "Giant squid attack" - trimaran crew menaced by tentacles monster from the deep, dealing with the french yatchsman who alleges his boat was attacked by a giant squid in January.

3. In Terry Practhett's book "The Wee Free Men", which I just got a review copy of (although I haven't reviewed books for about 6 years now..) on page 295 is this exchange...

"a few sharks were involved, that kind of thing," said Not-as-big-as- Medium-Sized-Jock-but-bigger-than-Wee-Jock-Jock.

"Oh, aye, a few sharkies," said Rob Anybody, shrugging, "and one 'o them octopussies -"

"It was a giant squid," said William the gonnagle.

"Aye, well, it was a kebab pretty quickly," said Daft Wullie.

Obviously Mr Prattchett doesn't realise that giant squid taste awful!

Cheers, KRin
Re: Squid and Octopus spotting

krin said:
2. The April issue of the Fortean Times, page 7, is an article "Giant squid attack" - trimaran crew menaced by tentacles monster from the deep, dealing with the french yatchsman who alleges his boat was attacked by a giant squid in January.

Ahh, sadly that turns out to have been a hoax. The Fortean Times is still a fine publication, however. Where else can one read about marauding badgers, lake monsters and superconductor technology, all beneath one cover?

Watch out for the Giant Cessnock Monitor.


I was attacked by a giant squid once in my yacht off the coast of france...boy, were Drew Barrymore and Jenny Lopez upset! No, no...it really happened! Really!
Too bad I dropped the camera.
On a clear day I can see the NE coast of France; it's only 22 miles away across The English Channel. There's a massive chemical plant at Calais and it really is most unpicturesque.

Must admit, I'd rather look at Drew Barrymore.
I've found another TV ceph for you.

I watched an old episode of 'Dr Who' the other day (did you have that in the USA?) which was called the 'The Power of Kroll' and was one of Tom Bakers stories from about 1978, I think. It was terrible but strangely hypnotic.

There was this enormous Cthulhu-esque ceph/god creature that appeared out the water on an alien planet with a clear blue screen matt line dividing it and the horizon. It menaced a plastic model drilling rig for some reason causing the extras to wrap rubber tentacles around themselves whilst screaming.

In the last episode Tom Baker stuck a wand into it and the creature disappeared in a crackle of BBC special effects to appear as a lump of crystal on his wand, part of the enigmatic 'Key to Time' he was searching for for some bearded ex-RSC ham in white. The creature, Kroll, broke up into thousands of giant squids at the same time, all observed off screen. Just before entering the TARDIS, the Doctor spotted a model giant squid lying in the mud. "It's quite ordinary", or something, he observed. Not really surprising, the model was about a foot long.

I loved it as a kid too........
I loved that Dr. Who episode! That was actually the first one I ever saw...I must have been about 8 or 9 at the time. From then on, I was hooked on Dr. Who until Public Television here in the states stopped airing them. Man, I haven't thought about Kroll in ages. Thanks for that trip down amnesia lane...

Phil said:
There's a massive chemical plant at Calais and it really is most unpicturesque.

Aesthetically, you may be slightly correct, but both are quite noxious :)

You can find it every so often on SciFi and maybe PBS i think....

:cthulhu: :heart: :beer:
No probs, Matt. Dr Who is one of those weird programmes that brings so many nostalgic memories. Even though the budget was so low and it was never convincing, they are still good fun to watch even now. "Why was I scared at that?", is what one usually thinks!

Actually, thinking of cephs in Doctor, the Nestenes in the Jon Pertwee's two Auton stories (the one with the plastic shop window dummies wrecking havoc and shooting policemen in a puff of orange smoke from their hands) were very ceph like.

Although we did not see a Nestene manifest itself fully. one appeared above a radio telescope in a crackling electric form and looked like an enormous octopus. (Don't get too excited, we are talking BBC 1973 budget and effects). The Doctor and The Master teamed up to defeat it, though I can't remember exactly how. Doubtless it involved a small box with a lever and wires that 'reversed the polarity' or something.

La de de dah, lah de de dah, whoooo---ooo--oooo!
Phil said:
La de de dah, lah de de dah, whoooo---ooo--oooo!

Oooohh, the "Dr. Who" theme. Scourge of my early childhood. I'm still cranky for having missed the conclusion of the "Silurians" story-arc.

Colin's new job reminded me that there was an episode of "Baywatch" with a killer ceph. It hangs out in a cave, and likes to fondle the lifeguards. One of them shouts "Squid!" as a menacing octopus tentacle rises above the surface. An underwater wrestling match ensues.

Just another day at Strathclyde Country Park.

I remember watching the tail end of many Dr. Who episodes as I waited for the Uncle Floyd show to get on the air (not only is that not heard of in the UK, but probably nowhere outside of the tri-state NJ/NY/CT area).

Re: Squid and Octopus spotting

quote" The April issue of the Fortean Times, page 7, is an article "Giant squid attack" - trimaran crew menaced by tentacles monster from the deep, dealing with the french yatchsman who alleges his boat was attacked by a giant squid in January.[/quote]

Ahh, sadly that turns out to have been a hoax. The Fortean Times is still a fine publication, however. Where else can one read about marauding badgers, lake monsters and superconductor technology, all beneath one cover?"

Well, you know how we Australians view the French government after they dropped bombs near us in the Pacific. My late husband used to quote from who-know-where "They live in the sewers you know..." (Ian was a cartoonist and his head was full of the most amazing bits of info!)

I knew the squid attack was a hoax from the Tonmo website - knowledge is power.

The only magazine I now buy is the Fortean Times - my late husband started me reading it. It costs a fortune here and the newagent always looks at me oddly when I buy it. OKay, so lots of people look at me oddly but lets not go there.

You will have to excuse me, I have been catologuing medical thesises all morning...

KRiin :bugout:

Watch out for the Giant Cessnock Monitor.



I suspect the on-line version of Fortean Times would be much more affordable. The printed version is pricey here in the States, too.

From rathergood.com comes "Tales of the Blode: Part 3," in which a squid is the bearer of grim tidings: Tales of the Blode Episode 3: Marmot Mayhem! presented by Joel Veitch, www.rathergood.com

Giant marmots lay siege to Buckingham Palace, a musk-ox gets a bath, and then Britney Spears shows up. Insane, even by my standards.


Ahoy there, mateys....

In an unrelated netsearch (see "Place Names" thread), I came across the following "blog" -- what does that word mean, anyway? -- with references and links re Messie, Haliphron, Steve-O', and Kat! Go to URL and scroll down to April 5th entry:



La Bela Loligeto
I suspect the on-line version of Fortean Times would be much more affordable. The printed version is pricey here in the States, too.

The online version of the Fortean Times id of no use if I want to freak people out on the train while reading it!

KRin :heee:

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