Hmm...not as big of a collection as I used to have...but then, you get tired of cleaning cages all day too!!!
I have an adult ornate bichir (I think you've seen pics of her), some juveniles (breeding down the road, maybe?), bearded dragons(4), boa constrictors (salmons)(2), tiger rattlesnakes(3), arizona black rattlesnakes(2), high white california kingsnakes (2), a ball python I bought for Shanlyn (aren't I the thoughtful one!), a cat, and future plans for more boa constrictors...this will probably mean getting rid of the vipers...oh well.
Not really too much...oh yeah, and I started cultivating amazon microswords ...really cool aquatic plant...Piglet (the bichir) loves the stuff! Sleeps in it in the afternoon sunlight.
We've talked about getting a dog, but will probably wait until Shanlyn gets her next degree (next spring) in Mortuary it is, she is hardly ever home (work, school, etc).
I sold my Reticulated Pythons to a local petstore...they were getting large enough to start to be a little too dangerous...especially with her cat being aroung!