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Sepia elegans
Sep 1, 2004
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Just thought this would be a neat thread. :lol: I'll start it off: got my first tank (matured, and completely set up w/everything) I could use for whatever I wanted from an experienced aquarist-and forgot to ask if copper had ever been used! :bonk: :roll:

Hmm...the worst? When I managed to leave the lid undone on an octo tank because a girl friend had dropped by...a couple of hours later, no octo in the tank...took me a whole day to locate him, somehow he had crawled over the floor, out the front door, down 30 feet of sidewalk (and this is in Phoenix, midday, mind you) and almost to the end of the driveway...perhaps he was going to hail a cab?
still bums me out, even though he was at the end of his lifespan...
Thought I'd resurrect this thread... I once set up a 200 gallon tank with a sump. I decided to fill it to check for leaks and forgot I did not have the sump out-take connected to anything. Nice flood, lots of screaming and looking for something to plug the pipe...
Well...........it's not ceph related but once put a Blue shark pup into one of our bigger tanks..........thought "it's a shark it'll be OK"........WRONG......the Black Cod ate it, felt just horrible every time I walked past the tank and saw the tip of the sharks tail hanging out of the Cod's mouth :oops:

On a similar vein we put some Paddle Crabs (or Swimming crabs) into a tank..pretty aggressive species. Now there were some small Thorn fish (about one tenth the size of the crabs) in the tank (relatives of the black cod actually!) and we were a little worried about them but figured they'd do their usual and hide in crevices in the rock and so they'd be safe. Were we ever wrong (as in totally!) The thorn fish were fine but they got together in a pack and ripped the crabs apart :shock: The tank is one we need a diver to get to the bottom and it was the weekend with no divers on duty....so the poor crabs were history in a particularly gruesome way. :oops: :oops:


Jean said:
On a similar vein we put some Paddle Crabs (or Swimming crabs) into a tank..pretty aggressive species.

is there any way theyre close relatives of my beloved Callinectes sapidus?

ornery but tasty :grin: ....who could blame the thorn fish...

and to stoop to a troll, for all you Pacific types, Blue crab is countless orders of magnitude better than Dungeness (or for that matter the ever so silly lobster, whether spiney or Maine).... :twisted:
WhiteKiboko said:
is there any way theyre close relatives of my beloved Callinectes sapidus?

ornery but tasty :grin: ....who could blame the thorn fish...

and to stoop to a troll, for all you Pacific types, Blue crab is countless orders of magnitude better than Dungeness (or for that matter the ever so silly lobster, whether spiney or Maine).... :twisted:

Similar I should think, ours are Ovalipes catharsis have nasty serrated chelae which can cut to the bone:shock: Hannibal finds them quite tasty though (as do many humans):grin:

cthulhu77 said:
Hmm...the worst? When I managed to leave the lid undone on an octo tank because a girl friend had dropped by...a couple of hours later, no octo in the tank...took me a whole day to locate him, somehow he had crawled over the floor, out the front door, down 30 feet of sidewalk (and this is in Phoenix, midday, mind you) and almost to the end of the driveway...perhaps he was going to hail a cab?
still bums me out, even though he was at the end of his lifespan...

Yep, same thing, out of my room, down the hallway, and found him in the living room behind the chair. Such a sad thing.

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