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Preserved Nautilus wanted

Steve O'Shea

TONMO Supporter
Staff member
Nov 19, 2002
Strange request I know. I'd be very interested in purchasing one or several preserved chambered Nautilus specimens (with shells), if anyone had any to offer.

:wink2: Hmm, this is a long shot, but if a fisherman in the area catches one you could preserve it yourself, what's it for, by the by?

P.S. Love the new Avatar, what's it supposed to be? It looks like a bloated Grimpitoteuthis *sp*?
Re: Preserved Nautilus wanted

Steve O'Shea said:
Strange request I know. I'd be very interested in purchasing one or several preserved chambered Nautilus specimens (with shells), if anyone had any to offer.


Well I don't think it strange!

Have you tried the Carolina Biological Supply Company? They sell preserved specimens and may have something. We got some stuff from the for the programmes here.

Check out

Carolina Biological Supply

Just a thought


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