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Prehistoric Cephalopod Poll.


TONMO Supporter
Nov 19, 2002
So many to choose from......which do you think are the most interesting?

(Of course the results of this poll have absolutely no bearing on future articles I might write....honest).

:meso: :vampyro: :ammonite: :nautiloi: :belemnit: :cuttle: :bluering: :nautilus:
Hi Phil

Before reading your articles and threads on fossils, I would have said "Aren't living cephs interesting enough?" Now I can't decide. I'll reread your article, and if I understand more, I'll try to answer the poll.

Melissa said:
Before reading your articles and threads on fossils, I would have said "Aren't living cephs interesting enough?"

That's what I voted!

Hmmm........following the TONMO barometer.

Cretaceous squids are winning. Perhaps something on Tusoteuthis and Niobrarateuthis perhaps? You know this is probably the most difficult of the lot.....there is so little out there.
Ooops, that was a bit of an oversight on my part and I should have included them, chrono. I think at the time, it was over a year ago, I didn't think I could scrape up enough info to write an article on them as at the time I though there were only two forms known. Since then, I found details of a third and a few months ago knocked up the article you can see in the 'Fossils' section if you would like to take a look.

Silly me, yes it should have been there!
Phil said:
Ooops, that was a bit of an oversight on my part and I should have included them, chrono. I think at the time, it was over a year ago, I didn't think I could scrape up enough info to write an article on them as at the time I though there were only two forms known. Since then, I found details of a third and a few months ago knocked up the article you can see in the 'Fossils' section if you would like to take a look.

Silly me, yes it should have been there!

o....Phil made a mistake, Phil made mistake...(contiunes chanting like a idiot)

LOL, shouldn't have done that. :mrgreen: As to the fossil parts, I'm going to take a look now.
Ammonites - I lived near Whitby when I was a kid and they were some of the first fossils we studied indepth in invertebrate palaeontology so I have a soft spot for them.

I've just moved a paper and spotted that I have one on my desk as a paperweight (although as the paper was on top we must have words ;) ).

Wow, Emperor. I didn't know you have studied invertebrate palaeontology! :notworth:

Do you have a photo of your ammonite to post here? I would expect it is probably a Dactylioceras or Hildoceras, but I'm sure Andy would be able to tell you exactly. Have you seen the ammonites he found in his article posted here a couple of weeks ago? They are from very close by to the area.

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