Hi all,
Glad you liked the Ollie action shot.
Carol, I think you should let Lil' Pumpkin touch you, and you should touch him. It's a lot of fun! He's probably not ready for it yet. And yes, Ollie has grown quite large, hasn't he?
Scouse, I did spend a long time developing this relationship with Ollie. I sat in front of his tank for many months while he looked at me with liittle, untrusting eyes. It was only after he did climb up on the edge of the tank and came out to see us, to feel around and satisfy his curiosity, that he became really friendly. It may have taken a long time because Olllie came before the tank raised octis were available - he was wild caught and already quite an accomplished little hunter for his 3".
So I'm happy with the way things have gone with Ollie.