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Pics of Squid from NZ


Colossal Squid
Nov 19, 2002
Dunedin, New Zealand
Just thought I'd share these pics.

They were taken by our educator who is based at Touch the Sea aquarium in Nelson, NZ.

The squid is Sepioteuthis australis and it was caught by a fisherman who brought it into the aquarium.

Unfortunately it didn't survive longer than 24hrs and never fed despite being offered tasty titbits like, Mullet, shrimp etc.

On examination (after it had died) it was found to have lost both it's feeding tentacles and thus couldn't capture the fast moving prey :sad:

The upside down swimming in the last shot is an omen of things to come :cry:
PS Thanks to Richard de Hamel for the pics


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Man that thing's cool. Maybe one day squid keeping will be a possibility....

Those are great photos Jean! I love the last one, the pinkish colour looks really bizzare.

What the record for keeping something this big alive? Has anyone got a squid to this size from an infant?
Yes, the pink color is cool, but I wished that it didn't die. Dying is such a sad word...unless you happen to become the deceased like this: :sink: , then I wouldn't really mind.
Feelers said:
Man that thing's cool. Maybe one day squid keeping will be a possibility....

Those are great photos Jean! I love the last one, the pinkish colour looks really bizzare.

What the record for keeping something this big alive? Has anyone got a squid to this size from an infant?

not sure exactly...but our own Steve O raises these (tis the same spp as on squid cam!). And I know he's kept some squid for over 100 days.


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