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Over 20 gigs of Cthulhu RPG MP3’s to listen to for free


Pygmy Octopus
Jul 8, 2007
You can either get individual game MP3's here:
or subscribe to the podcast here:
The Heroic Cthulhu boards can be found at: heroiccthulhu.proboard.../index.cgi
There are some pretty interesting mp3's here...if you are into the Call of Cthulhu, give them a listen.
The early podcast quality is not wonderful, gets better as we go. There is more than you can listen to if you enjoy actual play experience. Also, we have 'gamer talks' which are people discussing roleplay in general.

To hear both

You can either get individual game MP3's here:
My Podcast - Free Podcast Hosting & Directory
or subscribe to the podcast here:
Yes, it is free.

The Heroic Cthulhu boards can be found at: http://heroiccthulhu.proboards105.com/index.cgi
FYI: I added "Cthulhu" to the thread title, ironically to protect my own sanity: otherwise, the title looks enough like spam that I start thinking I need to go on a spammer-banning-thread-deleting rampage.

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