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[News]: Tracking Squid

Hi Tony,

"southern calamari" is the common name for Sepioteuthis australis, so they're loliginids. Let me tell you, those Tasmanian teuthologists can party. At the CIAC symposium they kept long hours drinking and singing karaoke late into the night! :beer: :band: :squid:
Sedusa said:
"southern calamari" is the common name for Sepioteuthis australis, so they're loliginids.
Got it, thanks!

Let me tell you, those Tasmanian teuthologists can party. At the CIAC symposium they kept long hours drinking and singing karaoke late into the night! :beer: :band: :squid:
Tell them about TONMO.com next time you see them, sounds like they'd fit right in! :wink2:

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