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[News] Squid fishing and stocks.

Oops, just posted this and now deleted it... you beat me to it! :thumbsup:

My comment was, hey, want to talk about lack of funding for this, just ask our friend O'Shea... :D

That eye looks awfully familiar; I remember dropping it in the post some years ago now (I've a few more like it in the garage). He needed an eye that had not been frozen to undertake some special histological work, but I could never procure one. Now I'll probably never get one :|

Petty domestic fishermen!
awareness good

I'm noticing a substantially higher level of awareness on the fishery issues, which is one of the good sides of this ordeal. I pray to anyone that will listen that this upsurgence of rants will do some good, slap the public in the face if you will. As horrifying as it is sometimes to see those pictures of bycatch and what have you, it's probably the best thing that can be done right now. That itself could be the best and only use for bycatch.
I just hope it's not all for nothing.

I found this rather well written!


BigSquid8Me said:
I'm noticing a substantially higher level of awareness on the fishery issues
:) Tragic state of affairs indeed, but the much-warranted press is long overdue.

I have a letter from a 'previous employer' gagging me from speaking, and calling my concern over fisheries impacts quite unfounded and non-scientific. One day, perhaps, I'll post it online .... people need to know how you are treated in some of these jobs.
Steve O'Shea said:
One day, perhaps, I'll post it online ....

Perhaps I can help... u see, the letter is actually from... *humpf!!*

*TPOTH gets tackled to the ground by :oshea:*
*TPOTH gets smothered by avalanche of squid beaks*
*TPOTH retreats to his lair*

one day... *shakes fist*... one day... *mutters*

people need to know how you are treated in some of these jobs.
Too true.


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