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New Discovery Series - Octopus intelligence.


Feb 4, 2011
Hello Tonmo members.

I am currently setting up the filming for a new series for Discovery Channel and we would really like to feature a story on Octopus intelligence, ideally featuring current behavioural research.

It would be great if anyone out there could get back to me with ideas of research we should be considering to feature. We are ideally looking to cover this in Europe / US in the next few months - but we are happy to go further afield if needs be!

Maybe you know of some complex conditions Octopus are demonstrating their intelligence which would really amaze our viewers and I would love to hear about any new research or findings we really shouldn't miss!

Please do email me if you require any further information or would like to get in touch.

Hope to hear back from you soon,

Kind regards, Emma.


t – +44 (0)20 7688 5194

f – +44 (0(20 7688 1702

w – www.wagtv.com

e - [email protected]

Unit 2D, Leroy House, 436 Essex Road, London, N1 3QP
Three labs.

Ludovic Dickel - Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie
Graziano Fiorito - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples
Binyamin Hochner - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Not a whole lot in the US, but there's Jennifer Basil at Brooklyn College (contact gjbarord, he's a grad student in that lab) and Roger Hanlon at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory.

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