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New Discovery Channel page for Dr. O'Shea

At last it's good to see a report in the popular press that does not exaggerate the size or capabilities of Architeuthis.

Good luck next year Steve!
Cheers....but I've a sneaking suspicion that you'll read about anything here first :wink2:
Ahhhh.... I'm feeling the smug satisfaction that comes with access to inside info.
"There are creatures," O'Shea says, "that make the giant squid look like real puppies."
Love this quote!!! Wrapping my head around the image of archis with collars and nametags, playfully swatting at eachother and drooling. I guess drool is irrelevant underwater.
wow! This is going to be an impressive expedition:D TONMO is soo cool - i´ve been searching for a long time on information on architheutis and really didn´t find much (except from clyde roper´s site), and now i´m posting on the same board as the pros :notworth: :notworth: :notworth:
Good Luck with the preparations!

Way to go Steve!! I can hardly wait to hear more...fascinating as always! We are privileged to get access...its like being one of the men-n-black!
Congrats, Steve-O', fantastic webpage! Love the slideshow too! As a longtime Discovery Channel fan -- and almost-as-longime Steve-O' fan! -- I'm delighted to see that the general public will now be fully aware of one of the marine biology field's most remarkable scientist-explorers (Neil Diamond obsession notwithstanding :D ).

Now that we all know your "sekhrit" for attracting male Archis, it sounds like you'll have a very good chance of getting one on camera next year. (Though I was curious as to how one would go about attracting a female Archi -- same method, different pheromones?)

Great stuff -- and when your expeditions lead to another AMNH lecture appearance, it would be great if you, Shoba, and Kat could also join me and my XY contingent, Melissa and her sweetie, the Morellis, and whoever else is around for an Eastern US TONMOcon / Steve-O' Roast / :cheers: and pizza bash in Da Big Apple!

The Tanster
o.vulgaris said:
steve, was wondering if there is going to be a sequel on dsc about "chasing the giant squid". :)

There'll be a no-tear(s) sequel(s) for sure; check out the second issue of New Scientist (August 2003) and you'll learn a lot more :grad: . There's a fantastic amount of work and progress that we have to do/achieve before we'll undertake it, and we're fast running out of time. Plans are for a Feb 2004 repeat quest for the larval giant, and a July/August (mid-winter) quest for the adult, both in 2004.

I'm busy collecting my marbles now, but I've either left or lost them in all sorts of places and don't think I'll have them all by Feb :bonk: . That's why I'm counting on Kat to have all of hers :usa: .
we'll just have to wait until 2004 then. :D
also in your interview with Maryalice Yakutchik you said,qoute:
"There are creatures," O'Shea says, "that make the giant squid look like real puppies."
now what are you really suggesting, a adult architeuthis 200 feet long or something of the sort. :)
When we did that interview I don't think that the colossal squid had been reported; just fortuitous that this was mentioned then.

There is another equally mean squid that we know about, but haven't a mature animal at hand.
New glasses?

Steve, do you have new glasses? The ones in the photo look like they fit quite well...

Hi Steve. I'm quite recent here, but far from recent as far as interest for Giant Squid is concerned... unfortunately, as it means I'm no more that young!
Pretty exciting projects indeed!
Just one thing about this "female pheromone mix" : don't you think we should do some justice to Peter Benchley about this? If I'm not wrong, it was more or less the system used by Herbert Talley in "Beast", isn'it?
Of course I don't mean you got the idea from him : I just mean that the novel was (thousands of) miles from being scientifically accurate about Architeuthis, but that not everything was unrealistic inside.
All the best.
Steve O'Shea said:
There is another equally mean squid that we know about, but haven't a mature animal at hand.

Are you perchance referring to Taningia danae? You once told me that they were "seriously evil". Unless of course you meant me, in which case you'd be only half right. (I'm frequently evil, but seldom serious.)

Whitey said:
Hi Steve. I'm quite recent here, but far from recent as far as interest for Giant Squid is concerned... unfortunately, as it means I'm no more that young!
Pretty exciting projects indeed!
Just one thing about this "female pheromone mix" : don't you think we should do some justice to Peter Benchley about this? If I'm not wrong, it was more or less the system used by Herbert Talley in "Beast", isn'it?
Of course I don't mean you got the idea from him : I just mean that the novel was (thousands of) miles from being scientifically accurate about Architeuthis, but that not everything was unrealistic inside.
All the best.

:welcome: Whitey! I think you are our first South African member (Tony would know for certain). As for not being young.... betcha you're not as old as I am! (Hint: the first American president I remember is Eisenhower -- but I wasn't born during his administration.)

Yeah, I read BEAST too and I remember that part. However, as I recall something went wrong with it -- either Squiddy chomped off the hook, or went ballistic, or some such disaster. However, that critter behaved (and looked) more like a Messie than an Archi, and hopefully Steve-O's "Cephrodisiac" will only attract the non-clawed variety.

The Tanster

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