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Message from Dr. James Wood


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
Our friend Dr. James Wood is seeking assistance, per the following message:
I'm seeking a teaching assistant (TA) for a BIOS (www.bbsr.edu ) marine invertebrate zoology (MIZ) course offered here in Bermuda from Jan to mid March of 2007.

Applicants should be university seniors, recent graduates or graduates - excellent students with a strong background in MIZ plus good organizational and people skills.

Divers, especially AAUS scientific divers are preferred (but not required). Applicants interested in volunteering to work on side cephalopod projects are also preferred.

The position pays enough to live on (modestly) in Bermuda, provides housing and an airfare allowance.

Please email ASAP if you are interested.

Dr. James B. Wood
[email protected]
Dr. Wood reported on the yahoo Ceph list that the position has been filled... sounds like a great opportunity for whoever got it!

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