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Little Joke...An Englishman, an Aussie and a South African

Jul 24, 2003
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A pinch of salt please ladies and Gentlemen....

An Englishman, an Aussie and a South African are in a bar one night,having
a beer. All of a sudden the South African downs his beer, throws his glass
in the air, pulls out a gun and shoots the glass to pieces and says: "In
Sath Efrika our glasses are so cheap that we don't need to drink from the
same one twice."
The Aussie, obviously impressed by this, drinks his beer, throws his glass
into the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the glass to pieces and says:
"Well mate, in 'Straaaaailia we have so much sand to make the glasses
that we don't need to drink out of the same glass twice either".
The Englishman, cool as a cucumber, picks up his beer and drinks it,
throws his glass into the air, pulls out his gun, shoots the South African
and the Australian and then says:
"In London we have so many South Africans and Australians that we
don't need to drink with the same ones twice.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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