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Hi from down under

are you into racing? Welcome to Tonmo, home of slow octopus...and speedy archi's !
Hi ya!

Nice to have you here. Enjoy the site!
Hi and welcome to TONMO.com! :welcome:
Glad you like the site - we have quite a few members from down under.

Down under from Australia :)
Thought i share a photo of mr sqeechie with all of you's
Hey, cool! Welcome aboard! Look forward to learning more about your cuttle and setup.
Welcome to Tonmo.com, good sir! Mr. Squeechie is glorious! How big is he?
cuttlegirl said:
Your cuttle is sooo cute! Hope mine grow up to be as cute as yours.
Oops! At first glance I thought that was an octo, shot at a weird angle... :oops: Edited my post above... nice cuttle!!

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