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Greetings from Canada!


O. bimaculoides
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Hello Everyone. I am new to this forum. I am 14, and I currently have a 65 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank (little bit of this, little bit of that, ect.)I am in the process of obtaining an octopus, for a tank that has been sitting around fully cycled for about 4 months. I hope to learn a lot by participating in discussions at TONMO.com. Here is a pic of my 65 Gallon Mixed Reef:


For pics of my octopus tank in the making, check out the post entitled "Does my aquarium look octo ready?" in the Octopus Care forum.

Hope to talk with you all soon!
Hi Lev,
Welcome to the site! Very nice tank! Come over to the Ceph Care forums with your questions. You can post your pics on Journals and Photos, or tank pics under Tank Talk.

Thats a great looking tank you've got. I love the mixture of all the different types of inverts. Always a pleasure to have another Canuck on the boards! I'm from London, Ont. but am currently out in Halifax at university. See you around!

Welcome to Tonmo ! That reef tank of yours looks very natural, I love those types of tanks...you feel like you are swimming in the bay off of the Tortugas.


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