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Greeting from Fayetteville


O. vulgaris
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Hi everybody

I'm into 3D computer modeling, and was scouring the web trying to find some background info on squid anatomy when I came across this neat place 8)

There's a ton of information here, and I'm still trying to sift through some of it before I post any specific questions :)

BTW, the avatar is an unretouched pic of my wife's demented little dog named "Killer" :mrgreen:

--Carl - doin' the meet 'n' greet
Welcome to Tonmo, but keep that beast on a leash!!! Yikes!
Hi Melissa, hi Greg, thanks for the welcome :)

Not to worry about Killer, she's usually very pleasant unless she hasn't had a mail carrier lately :wink2:
She's not very big, but she has dragged home deer legs longer than she is, which is a pretty impressive sight :?

--Carl - giving a tip of the hat
Welcome Carl! To catch up more quickly, try the Search feature (see the link at the top right section of the screen)...

Greetings Carl, and greetings Killer.

Have a look at Steve and Kats' 'Giant and Colossal Squid Fact Sheet' on the Science pages. I think you will find that very interesting.



:welcome: :meso:
Hi Tony, Travis, and Phil, pleased to meetcha. :D

I've found a lot of things already here through searching, and the Fact Sheet is a big help. I still have some questions about scaled sketches from the top, side, and front views, and that's the subject of a post over in the Phisiology forum.

--Carl - who likes some of the emoticons here 8)

Finally got around to viewing your site, sir. I'm very :notworth:.

BTW, what boat do you currently paddle (most frequently)?
Hi there Um, pleased to meet you and thanks for your comments on the site :D
I've got two kayaks, though between work and back problems, I don’t get out as often as I used to. The first one I got was a 13 foot whitewater/touring kayak called the Spirit made by White's Kayaks which is now defunct. I got it when I was living in Connecticut, and I mostly paddled along the coast. My favorite places there were the Thimble Islands off of Stony Creek and Falkner Island off of Guilford. Being a short boat, it paddled like a bathtub on long cruises, but it still got you there. After I moved to Tennessee, I ordered and built a 16 foot Greenland style touring kayak. It was a kit made from ABS plastic laid on a PVC pipe frame that was supposed to take 8 hours to build, but occupied my living room for a couple of months. The ABS plastic sheet is starting to split and the manufacturer is out of business, so I’m out of luck. For boating here, I usually head to Tim’s Ford lake which has a zillion little inlets to explore. I do miss the coast though, there’s nothing like the open water.

Until it started to split, the 16 foot kit boat was my favorite. It cut the water cleanly and tracked very well.

--Carl - paddling down memory lane here :)

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