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Does Anyone have about $100?

Yeah, but that one isn't penned in the blood of virgins, like mine is.

o rly? for a secound i thought that this was some advertisnet by a church and i was going to say soenthing like "go to hell!" and then i noticed that this was poststed in the chithulu corner.... figures...:roll:

cthulhu77 said:
Yeah, but that one isn't penned in the blood of virgins, like mine is.

have you been making your sweet wife "misappropriate" human products AGAIN?


If only it wasn't for silly things like decorum and such.....

on a more serious side, i dont think felt pages and blood mix well in the area of readability..... plus, i think the mad arab wrote more than 4 pages......

:cthulhu: :heart: :beer:
When I ran the bookstore there were always people coming in who insisted that the Necronomicon should be in the religion section, instead of thehorror /scifi section....they were usually about 15 and male. :roll:
sorseress said:

I am staff, I am bound by the TOS despite the temptation of good-natured ribbing-that-might-be-misunderstood in the public forums....

I do believe that when Erich posted his custom necronomicon book on ebay, he actually received serious emails asking if it was the "real" one....sigh. Sucker born every minute, I guess.


p.s. it would have had to be an oooooooold book to get virginal blood from me...and, Shanlyn, taking stuff from work? Never! (LOL)
Custom Necronom? When was this? I have yet to take Tonmo-thropology 101, but then again, are we not discussing matter of Ones in their latter years?

Anyway, I think this sort of publication would probably be available for purchasing at some sort of strange, vast and expansive . . . . "gathering", a "convention" if you will, of individuals of a certain walk of life who enjoy the reading and collecting of books that are, one might say; "comic" . . . . . .

. . . . . . Hey, how about that big ol' nerd con in California this summer?
How DARE you heretics doubt the existence of MY Necronomicon! You're all on my byakhee to-do list. Of course I own the real thing. Infidels!

I mean, this is me we're talking about here. Me. I have a thousand forms! Or at least that's what that $10.00/hr medium down the street told me..
I merely wanted to know if there was anymore information on this "publication" that could dispelled to me.

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