Could giant squid eyes help the Navy develop new technology? - The State Column


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005

Could giant squid eyes help the Navy develop new technology?
[SIZE=-1]The State Column[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]A team of scientists working to decipher the secrets of the giant squid say they have finally discovered how the massive squid eyes evolved to see predators and prey alike. Despite being the largest known invertebrate, the colossal and giant squids, ...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]and more[/SIZE]

Giant squid basketball eyes did not evolve - Pravda

Giant squid basketball eyes did not evolve
[SIZE=-1]By Babu G. Ranganathan The recent discovery of a giant squid with huge basketball size eyes has been promoted as an evolutionary survival response for detecting enemy sperm whales that would eat it. But, how did the squid avoid the whales while its big ...[/SIZE]

Mega squid use HUMONGOUS eyes to spot ravenous sperm whales - Register

Mega squid use HUMONGOUS eyes to spot ravenous sperm whales
[SIZE=-1]By Brid-Aine Parnell • Get more from this author Ocean-researching boffins reckon they have figured out why giant and colossal deep sea-dwelling squid need the largest eyes in the animal kingdom: to spot huge predators like sperm whales.[/SIZE]


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