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But, what about Yuggoth ????

Pluto, Ceres, Charon and Xena Planets? Hogwash! There's only four in our solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, then there's the inner five planetoids Mercury, Venus, the Earth Moon double system and Mars, scores of asteroids, the transuranians and comets, basta!

I would say that the brown dwarf that brings death and destruction every 28 million years or so is the only other body to go for full planet status :smile:
ob;77479 said:
Pluto, Ceres, Charon and Xena Planets? Hogwash! There's only four in our solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, then there's the inner five planetoids Mercury, Venus, the Earth Moon double system and Mars, scores of asteroids, the transuranians and comets, basta!

I would say that the brown dwarf that brings death and destruction every 28 million years or so is the only other body to go for full planet status :smile:

What about Yuggoth?

I mean, it's out there.

Kinda like naming a new ceph species after Cthulhu. WTF is up with modern scientists? Duh, name it for Cthulhu, dumbasses! He's the squid-god! Name some new big squid for Cthulhu! WTF is wrong with you guys?! This is so simple! Just do it. If there's one thing I want to influence before I die, this would be it.
Megateuthis cthulhuensis (Orser, 2006)?

Let's just suppose this particular cryptid from now on, who knows what comes from speculation :wink2:

PS: I still have some faith in the theory that Pluto's orbit can be best understood if we look at the same cataclism that tilted Neptune's axis off spec.

"A former Neptunean moon, fractured by gravitational sheer and without sufficient mass to fully recombine" is therefore my (closet) definition of the Pluto, Charon and the two newly discovered moonlets (quadrupal) system. Again, the only likely candidate to explain said assumed occurences would be a hypothetical brown dwarf with highly excentric orbit... Let's skip the suggested Nemesis and go for Yuggoth indeed!
Yeah, that might have been a little fired-up, but frankly, that's been a very real bother to me for a while. I mean, really, ladies and gents, name something after Lovecraft, not the guy down the hall from you out of nerd-pity. Jack Parsons got a crater on the dark side of the moon named after him, fer ch****sakes. Give HPL something with tentacles and a big ol' brain. I mean, really. Name something after Cthulhu! He's the ceph-god! Give it to him!
For one thing, it'll make your afterlife MUCH more comfortable...:cthulhu: Y'know, faster digestion.
Does it count if whenever I read about Pickfordiateuthidae I think of Pickman?

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