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Any idea what species this fossil squid is?


Pygmy Octopus
Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum, and I'm seeking an identification for this fossil squid that recently jetted into my collection.

It's from Lebanon, Cretaceous in age. It does not appear to be a paleoctopus. I'm thinking something in the Tusoteuthis branch?

Most remarkable about this piece are the well-preserved tentacles (actual, not painted on). There are also possible eye blobs.
The beak is present as well as inksack. Too bad the rest of the body is a mess.

I appreciate any ideas on the ID! Thanks in advance- veomega

PS: Now... lets see if my pictures work.

:welcome: and WOW!

That's a pretty amazing fossil. I'll be anxious to hear what the fossil fiends have to say about it... If only we could find an ammonite with that quality of soft tissue preservation...

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