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Another bottom-trawling T-shirt

Steve O'Shea

TONMO Supporter
Staff member
Nov 19, 2002
I am posting this here, in the event anyone is interested. This was just sent via email to me. It seems momentum is building to outlaw this rather barbaric practice (bottom trawling). Please address any queries/orders directly to Samara (at the bottom of this post). All prices in NZ$
Hi all
We need your support!

Experiencing 'Stop Dredging' (= bottom trawling) T shirts for sale

The 'Stop Dredging' tee's are $30 (all proceeds go to the 'Send Scott Walls to the Poor Knights' fund). Size availability and images samples are below. The 'Stop Dredging' tee (This T shirt was designed by Scott Walls, he produced this design as part of his action on the EMR programme at Whangarei Intermediate this year)
1x size 12 kids purple
1x small green (fitting)
1x large green (fitting)
1x XL blue mens t
1x M blue mens t
1x M brown (fiiting)
1x M dark blue mens t
1x XS brown (fitting)
1 x large brown (fitting)
1 x small green (fitting)
1x large mens dark blue
(see T shirt print attached)

To order please email me with the size you want amd I will email back with drop off and payment arrangements (either cash or cheque to Experiencing Marine Reserves)

Samara Sutherland
Experiencing Marine Reserves
Rockell Rd, RD1 Hikurangi
Office/Hm - 64 9 433 8205
Cell - 64 21 036 2019
Email - [email protected]
Website - www.emr.org.nz


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