
  1. Do Octopuses Commit Suicide?

    Do Octopuses Commit Suicide?

    By Colin Dunlop National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours every day There are some references to octopuses and other animals "committing suicide." This is a subjective way of looking at certain types of animal death, such as saying that whales found beached on...
  2. BeakoftheDeep

    Success: raising Sepia bandensis from the egg!

    Hi everyone! This is my first post, but I've been keeping juvenile Sepia bandensis (dwarf cuttlefish) for nearly 6 months now. I've finally found time to post about what I've learned in keeping them, and hopefully it will help others who are looking at cuttlefish care! I'm working on research...
  3. TheSquidLord56

    Top Speed for a Squid

    Hi Guys! So I'm doing research for a video I'm making, and I need to know the fastest a squid could swim/the fastest squid. I have no idea if this info has actually been tested and recorded, but if it has, I could use some help finding it please. :)
  4. gjbarord

    SQUID ID - 200 meters in Vanuatu

    Hi Everyone, I am, hopefully, attaching a short video clip of a squid we recorded on deep water video in Vanuatu at about 200 meters. Anyone know the species of this particular specimen? Thanks! Greg
  5. S

    Cuttlefish X mating with Squid?

    I was filming the Giant Australian Cuttlefish in South Australia yesterday and came across this interesting animal behaviour. It seems as through the squid is trying to mate with the cuttlefish!? I am very interested in hearing anyones interpretations of this behaviour and help explain what's...
  6. S

    Social Octopus Thread?

    I'm making this thread for two reasons: 1) I don't think there are any TONMO threads dedicated to social behavior in octopuses besides the posts for specific articles 2) My non-scientist friend is in a class which is more or less on non-human sapience/culture (the class has a lot of Jane...
  7. DWhatley

    Cephalopos Antics

    ... OR Do Octopuses have Personality? From time to time we see news stories highlighting humorous, destructive or unusual (to humans) behavior. For future reference, collect them here and be sure to reference the original link. To start here is a research paper discussing the likelihood of an...

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