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Zyan Silver's Dad

Obi one

Nov 3, 2007
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Hello everybody! Finally made it here. Brief intro- I've been doing the animal thing since I can remember, about 45 years. Man that is a long time. First love was reptiles and amphibians. Have or had about all of them at some time. Had aquariums since age 5, way before silicone rubber- anybody remember those metal framed tanks when they were new? Raised bimacs from eggs -first time 1977. I thought it only was Jacques C. and me back then. Went to Berkeley in the 1970s. Studied marine science among other things. Ended up in medicine at UCLA. Family doc in a small rural town on the S.Oregon coast. Enjoying life here. Maintain a private collection of exotics. It was fun to watch Zyan and his octopus project. I tend to ramble- its the absent minded professor in me. More about octopuses shortly, Mark
A huge :welcome: to you! You have quite a following here, since a lot of folks are anxious for news on the hope that you're continuing the bimac farm as Zyan goes off to school!

It also sounds like you've got a lot of interesting stories to contribute, too! Glad to see you online, and I'm also a guy named Mark who's a bit prone to rambling, so I'm glad to see a kindred spirit!
Welcome, Mark! :welcome:

We've been waiting for you to show up! Sounds like you really do have lots of interesting things to post about, including the bimacs. There are many people on this site interested in reptiles, too. Look forward to your posts.

sooo what is the news on Zyan's CB lot?

Obi One, :welcome:

As you read (and contribute - we've got you now and you are stuck with us :wink2:) you will see a lot of hopeful references to "Zyan's Dad".

There is a specific thread for reporting about the lives of Zyan's babies:

[Octopus Eggs]: - Zyan's Babies - Please report in!!!

It would be great if you could post a note there about the fate of the "next generation" and, of course, information on the Octopus Availability thread:

Octopus Availability

if and when there are young Bimacs available.

Looking forward to hearing about the original generation of bimacs as well!
:welcome: Huge welcome Mark! Spike was one of Zyans's babies. He arrived at work in the red hazardous plastic bag. That arrival was responsible for a lot of new interest in octopuses at my work site! Hope to see some pics and hear some stories of your adventures!

Carol and Jess
:welcome: Mark!
So glad to have you here. I'm not into ceph husbandry, but am definitely into rambling, and yes, I remember the old metal framed aquariums well.:old: I think we would all love to have you ramble on about some of your experiences.

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