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Yorkshire coast ammonites


Yes - I thoroughly enjoyed every one of them !
It must have been more though - I was only counting the collecting days ! Allthough, big big thankyou to my wife, she lets me collect most days (interspersed with the odd shopping trip, that´s where I pay, most literally...)

All the best,
Link should be fixed, the )? was being copied as part of the URL.

I loved the "the missing parts ... fell victims to the saw before they were detected" part :grin:
My apologies. Thanks Terri & D.

Here's a pretty 11 cm Harpoceras from that coast.


  • conv_300049.jpg
    761.4 KB · Views: 106
This one reminds me of the baleen of a baleen whale where the folds allow for changes, in this case to circle and in the whales case to expand and contract. I wonder what the similarity in timing is for convergence (if any :oops:)

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